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Here's Your Permission Slip


Dear Wonder Woman,


I don’t know about you, but I'm entering this holiday season with a whole bunch of things not done! This might sound familiar - the to-do list that never ends, plans derailed by life, and the weight of feeling like you should have done more.

If it does, you’re not alone my friend—I’m right there with you.


My plans to "get everything done" before Christmas fell apart weeks ago for a multitude of reasons – travel, work, grief, sickness. So, I'm entering this holiday season with a whole bunch of things not done - my website’s outdated, my 2025 program is still in draft, professional and personal loose ends dangle everywhere.


But instead of slipping into a spiral of disappointment and shame, I’m fully embracing the mess—and I invite you to do the same.


For years, so many of us have lived by the mantra: "Get it all done and THEN you’ll be happy."


But both you and I know that’s BS, right?


These days, there’s much peace to be had in accepting the To-Do list is an impossible endeavour for any SANE human being. And staying sane is one of my highest values these days (and might I add, a full-time job!)


So, while much is left undone, I’m still shutting down for two weeks, because –

a) I’m bone tired,

b) because I want to, and most importantly

c) I promised myself I would, and I’m getting pretty good at not breaking promises to myself these days.


As we enter these next few days, spending time with our messed-up families and taking care of our tired bodies and spirits, I want to give us all full permission to wear this season loosely - like a pair of comfy PJs - and pour energy into what truly matters:


❤️ Love and Friendship: showing up for the people who matter most (this includes you btw). 

😴 Rest: letting yourself stop, EVEN WHEN the to-do list nags  

🌳 Nature: daily walks or anything that reminds you of life’s simplicity and beauty. 

😇 Grace: you will mess up and so will others, and that's ok.


I know the urge to create a picture-perfect holiday—the one where you’re the perfect host, chef, parent, partner, daughter, friend and family unifier—is strong. But I also know how heavy that expectation can be.

When we can lower expectations of ourselves and others (and I mean really low), our peace of mind increases exponentially! And there’s nothing I want more for you than less stress and more peace my love.


So, let’s rewrite these ridiculous rules together and instead, enjoy the beautiful, imperfect mess of it all —not out of defeat, but to simply reclaim our own peace and joy.


Your Permission Slip

From the Highest Office in the Land (that’s you!)


You, dear (your name here), have full permission to:


  • Leave things undone. 

  • Not fake a festive mood. 

  • Stop trying to make everyone happy. 

  • Take time out when you need it. 

  • Ask for help (yes, even you!). 

  • Say "no," change your mind, even make up a gracious excuse if you need to. 

  • Let it be beautifully messy and imperfect – they will handle it! 

  • Include yourself in the circle of care and joy. 

  • Walk away and take a breather if things feel too darn hard


Signed,Your Inner CEO


P.S. These permissions are non-negotiable. Tape them to the fridge, share them with loved ones, or just whisper them to yourself when you need a reminder.


Let yourself be a beautiful mess my love. Give yourself and others a whole lot of compassion, space and grace. It's truly the only way through.

Wishing you all the love in the world,

Deborah xx

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